

I took the first part of Brené’s course last year. Now it is happening the second part. But I am behind.

However, I need her lessons. I want to live better and her course helps me to do that.


Well, I feel that I can relax and have more freedom in my life with the activities…

Example of week one (the course is entering now week 5!):


1. FIRST SHEET ON MY WALL (above) >> Permission slips (we were supposed to write permissions related to creativity, but since I need other permissions right now, here are mine:)

Today I give myself permission to:

  • take time for Brené’s class;
  • forgive myself for things not done;
  • forgive myself for the week off;
  • don’t be perfect;
  • be myself/authentic this evening.

Simple things, eh? But I need them. They make me less stressed.


2. SECOND SHEET ON MY WALL (above) >> Band-Aids (again it was about creativity, but not mine):

  • write negative messages you have heard directly or from society;
  • cover with Band-Aids;
  • write healing messages to yourself.

I wrote four messages related to my weight. One example is “I am so beautiful like I am today.” And my healing message is “When I lose weight I will be different, but not less beautiful!”



>> I did not use Band-Aids because I consider than so expensive! Instead, I used Post-it notes to cover the messages.
>> There are 5 activities on part one of the course. However, since I am behind and my Master classes start today, I decided to do the most significant ones for me and related to what I currently need most.
>> The activities require art supplies, but I need to simplify to have things done.